Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Webinar – East Coast

April 2, 2025 - Webinar

This high-impact, 90-minute educational program will focus on the latest evidence for optimizing treatments for Newly Diagnosed patients, including the choice between 3- vs 4-drug regimens and considerations around fitness/frailty. Key concepts will be covered in presentations by senior faculty, along with practice-relevant case-based discussions.


Why Become a Member

The International Myeloma Society is a professional, scientific, and medical society established to bring together clinical and experimental scientists involved in the study of myeloma. The purpose of this society is to promote research, education, clinical studies (including diagnosis and treatment), workshops, conferences, and symposia on all aspects of multiple myeloma worldwide.

The IMS is a membership organization comprised of basic research scientists, and clinical investigators in the field along with physicians and other healthcare practitioners.

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