IMS Career Development Award

The International Myeloma Society is proud to announce the fourth annual “IMS Career Development Award”. The IMS anticipates funding grants for young investigators focused on research in the field of plasma cell dyscrasias.

Goal: To promote the development of the next generation of leaders in the field of plasma cell disorders. This award will also encourage interaction between institutions to enhance collaborative research.

 Request for Application: Applicants should submit the research proposal by January 31, 2024

Budget: The grant will be an award of up to $75,000 USD including maximal allowable institutional overhead of 8%. This may include 1 year of salary support for the grantee, budget for visa status adjustment and travel allowance. The grantee should have a letter of support from an identified mentor willing to host the applicant for the period of the award. It is expected that the hosting laboratory will cover expenses for research consumables, equipment, and animal costs, if proposed. The applicant, if funded, will also receive a complementary IMS membership for 1 year.

Eligibility: Applicants should have an MD or PhD and should focus their research on plasma cell dyscrasias. Applicants in the process of obtaining a PhD in plasma cell dyscrasias will also be considered.

Applicants should not yet be independent researchers and must plan to have a career in the field of plasma cell dyscrasias. Applicants should not yet have received NIH funding or its international equivalent. Women and underrepresented minorities are particularly encouraged to apply. Applicants should not have an existing employment agreement with their host laboratory.

The proposed research should be in a different laboratory than the home institution and either the PI of the home or host institution should be an IMS member. The applicant should agree to acknowledge IMS as the funding source in any publication or presentation resulting from this funding. The applicants should provide a progress report at the mid-point of their project and at the end of the funding year and respond to periodic surveys from IMS.

Host institution laboratories are limited to one application per cycle.

 Research areas: Research projects in all areas of plasma-cell dyscrasia are eligible for this proposal.

 Application format: The research proposal should be total of 5 pages including figures but not including references and should include the following details:  Use 0.5 inch margins, single-spaced, Arial 11 font

  1. Completed application approved by the home institution.
  2. Specific Aims: (maximum 1 page)
  3. Research Proposal:
    1. Background & Significance
    2. Innovation
    3. Preliminary results
    4. Experimental Approach including methods and potential problems and solutions as well as statistical considerations.
  4. References (25 maximum).
  5. A statement of how the applicant meets the eligibility criteria and provide a rationale for how the research project in the selected laboratory will foster the career of the applicant (<500 words);
  6. Applicant’s CV
  7. A letter of support from the applicant’s institution (Home Institution PI) that details the anticipated career path.
  8. Home Institution PI’s biosketch – 5-page NIH style
  9. A letter of support from the Principal Investigator of the hosting laboratory including a statement on mentorship, provision of research resources to allow and facilitate the conduct of the proposed research.
  10. Hosting Institution’s Principal Investigator biosketch to reflect his/her qualification as a mentor.
  11. Budget and Justification

The deadline for submitting applications will be January 31, 2024. 

Contact: For additional questions, please contact us at


The application deadline for the 2024 Career Development Award has passed.

More details about our next application cycle will be available soon!

Meet our Awardees!

Learn more about the Career Development Awards that the IMS has funded.

What can the Career Development Award do for you?


Why Become a Member

The International Myeloma Society is a professional, scientific, and medical society established to bring together clinical and experimental scientists involved in the study of myeloma. The purpose of this society is to promote research, education, clinical studies (including diagnosis and treatment), workshops, conferences, and symposia on all aspects of multiple myeloma worldwide.

The IMS is a membership organization comprised of basic research scientists, and clinical investigators in the field along with physicians and other healthcare practitioners.

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